Telugu actress Asha Saini, who is popular among the Telugu film sweethearts as 'Lux Papa' for her song from Balakrishna's blockbuster movie Narasimha Naidu is receiving death threats at the moment.
coming to the story, Flora did a role as a suicide bomber in the recently released film, 'MSG : Messenger of God'. In this respect, Asha Saini has been receiving filthy abuses and death threats through social networking sites, phone calls and text messages, from religious fanatics who are outraged by her role in the film.
Be that as it may, the performing artist immediately reacted to the shock. She apologized and attempted to persuade them by saying it was an invented character in the film and she has equivalent appreciation all religions. As the provocation still proceeds with, Saini at last chose to hotel an objection against the abusers.
coming to the story, Flora did a role as a suicide bomber in the recently released film, 'MSG : Messenger of God'. In this respect, Asha Saini has been receiving filthy abuses and death threats through social networking sites, phone calls and text messages, from religious fanatics who are outraged by her role in the film.
Be that as it may, the performing artist immediately reacted to the shock. She apologized and attempted to persuade them by saying it was an invented character in the film and she has equivalent appreciation all religions. As the provocation still proceeds with, Saini at last chose to hotel an objection against the abusers.